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Ethereum Name Service

Truffle has a built-in Ethereum Name Service (ENS) integration. ENS is a mechanism that allows for the mapping of human readable names to Ethereum addresses or other resources. With ENS enabled, Truffle allows you to use ENS names when interacting with your contracts and it will resolve them for you. Wherever you can use an address in your transaction parameters, you can use an ENS name as long as you are able to connect successfully to an ENS registry.

For more information on the Ethereum Name Service, see the ENS website.


In order to use ENS features in your project, you must first enable it in your Truffle config (truffle-config.js). In the config, you must specify an ens property and set ens.enabled to true. The simplest configuration you would have is the following in your Truffle config:

module.exports = {
  ens: {
    enabled: true

By default, Truffle connects to the official, ENS-deployed registries. These four registries can be found on:

  • Mainnet

  • Ropsten

  • Rinkeby

  • Goerli

If a valid provider is supplied for one of these four networks, Truffle will connect and use the official registry for that particular network; that is, unless a different registry address is specified in the config. If you need to specify a different registry, you can enter it in your config for the <networkName>.ens.registry.address property. If your network name were myNetwork then this might look like:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    myNetwork: {
      host: "localhost",
      port: 8000,
      network_id: "*",
      ens: {
        registry: {
          address: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
  ens: {
    enabled: true

If you are not connected to one of the above four networks and do not supply a registry address. Truffle will attempt to deploy a registry for you to use. See the section below on automatic registry deployment for more information.

It must be noted that the registry address you supply needs to agree with whatever provider is present otherwise ENS resolution will not work. In other words, if you supply a provider for Kovan, you must also supply a registry address for an ENS registry on the Kovan network (since Kovan does not have an official ENS registry deployment). As was stated above, however, you do not need to supply a registry address for the above networks unless you want to use a custom ENS registry.

ens module methods and properties

  • deployer.ens.registryAddress

This property returns the address of the registry that Truffle is connected to.

  • deployer.ens.setAddress()

As part of this ENS integration, a new ens module is available on the deployer object available during migration functions. Currently there is a single method on this module named setAddress. If you own a domain name, you can use this method to deploy a resolver and set its address. If the resolver already exists, it will set the address that the resolver references if it is not the same as the input address.

The signature for this method is setAddress(name: string, addressOrContract: string | TruffleContractInstance>, txParams: object).

A quick explanation of these parameters follows:

  1. The name parameter describes the name for which to set the resolver address. This name will look something like "myName.eth".

  2. The addressOrContract parameter must either be a string or a Truffle contract object that has an address property. If it is a string it must be an Ethereum address. If a Truffle contract has been deployed on the network you are using, then you can use that object as an argument. It will use that contract's address to set the resolver target.

  3. The txParams parameter is an object that must contain a from property that specifies the address to send the transaction from. This must be the address that owns the domain in question. If this address does not own the domain then the transaction will fail.

Automatic registry deployment

Another feature of this integration is the ability to deploy an ENS registry on a network. This would be useful when developing locally and testing. If Truffle cannot connect to an ENS registry on the network you are using, it will check to see if you have "dev mode" enabled. If you do, it will attempt to deploy a new registry on the network you are running a migration on. It will also set ownership for the names used in calls to setAddress such that those calls will be successful.