Web3 Unleashed: How to Automate Your Smart Contracts¶
Written by Emily Lin
Last updated 9/15/2022
In this edition of Web3 Unleashed, we're interviewing Gelato Network co-founder Hilmar Orth about all things smart contract automation - what it is, how it's revolutionizing Web3 devOps, and how to do it!
In this guide, we'll be building on our NFT rental marketplace we built last week. Specifically, we'll demonstrate how to use Gelato Ops to automate cleaning up our listings - that is, periodically removing unavailable listings. Watch the stream to learn more about Gelato's other offerings, such as their relay SDK.
The completed code lives here.
What is Gelato?¶
Gelato Network takes away the need for web3 developers to manually manage smart contract processes. Specifically, it leverages a network of decentralized bots to automate transactions, taking the onus off developers to maintain complex systems that could result in a central point of failure, allowing them to dedicate more time to what matters most: building out dapps across DeFi, NFTs, gaming, DAOs, and whatever else the future of Web3 holds!
Using Gelato Ops¶
Gelato Ops is a nifty automation hub that allows users to create their automated tasks. Read more about it here.
For our use case, our automated task relies on a dynamic argument Listing[] listings
and will only be executed under the condition that there are listings that are no longer available to rent. Therefore, we need to write a resolver to solve our more complex use case.
Download System Requirements¶
You'll need to install:
Create an Infura account and project¶
To connect your DApp to the Goerli network, you'll need an Infura account. Sign up for an account here.
Once you're signed in, create a project! Let's call it gelato-automation
, and select Web3 API from the dropdown
Register for a MetaMask wallet¶
To interact with your DApp in the browser, you'll need a MetaMask wallet. You can download it and create one here.
Download VS Code¶
Feel free to use whatever IDE you want, but we highly recommend using VS Code! You can run through most of this tutorial using the Truffle extension to create, build, and deploy your smart contracts, all without using the CLI! You can read more about it here.
Get Some Test Eth¶
In order to deploy to the public testnets, you'll need some test Eth to cover your gas fees! Make sure you're getting test Eth for either Goerli or Sepolia.
Set Up Your Project¶
Since we're building on our NFT rental marketplace from episode 4, start by cloning the base repository.
git clone https://github.com/trufflesuite/unleashed_nft_rental_marketplace.git gelato-demo
We'll only be working with contracts, so hop into the truffle
directory and install our package dependencies.
cd gelato-demo/truffle
npm i
Write the automated task¶
In our marketplace, we will remove listings that are no longer available. A listing becomes unavailable when the end date of the listing has passed. Add this method to Marketplace.sol
function removeUnavailableListings(Listing[] memory unavailableListings) public {
for (uint i = 0; i < unavailableListings.length; i++) {
unlistNFT(unavailableListings[i].nftContract, unavailableListings[i].tokenId);
It steps through a list of unavailable listings and calls our already written unlistNFT
function, which will remove the NFT from our marketplace's list of listings and decrement the total number of listings available.
Write IResolver
Because our automated task takes in the dynamic argument unavailableListings
and is dependent on on a few conditions, we'll need to write a resolver. The first thing we will do is create a resolver interface. This isn't explicitly necessary, but is good practice if you have to write multiple resolvers for different smart contracts.
truffle create contract IResolver
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
interface IResolver {
function checker()
returns (bool canExec, bytes memory execPayload);
And have Marketplace.sol
extend that contract:
import "./IResolver.sol";
contract Marketplace is ReentrancyGuard, IResolver {
Write the resolver¶
Now, we can get to actually writing our resolver! It should return two things:
- bool
: whether Gelato should execute the task. - bytes
: data that executors should use for the execution.
Add this method:
function checker()
returns (bool canExec, bytes memory execPayload)
uint256 totalListingCount = _nftsListed.current();
uint256 unavailableListingCount = 0;
Listing[] memory allListings = getAllListings();
for (uint i = 0; i < totalListingCount; i++) {
if (allListings[i].endDateUNIX > block.timestamp) {
if (unavailableListingCount <= 0) {
return (false, bytes("No listings to unlist"));
if (tx.gasprice > 80 gwei) {
return (false, bytes("Gas price is greater than 80 gwei"));
Listing[] memory unavailableListings = new Listing[](unavailableListingCount);
uint256 unavailableListingsCount = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < totalListingCount; i++) {
if (allListings[i].endDateUNIX > block.timestamp) {
unavailableListings[unavailableListingsCount] = allListings[i];
execPayload = abi.encodeWithSelector(
return (true, execPayload);
Now, let's dive into the code.
In order to construct our list of unavailable listings to pass into the automated task, we want to get the number of unavailable listings as follows:
uint256 totalListingCount = _nftsListed.current();
uint256 unavailableListingCount = 0;
Listing[] memory allListings = getAllListings();
for (uint i = 0; i < totalListingCount; i++) {
if (allListings[i].endDateUNIX > block.timestamp) {
Next, since removing unavailable listings is contingent upon there being listings in the first place, we want to exit the resolver. In addition to returning false
for canExec
, we can also log the reason for the failure as follows:
if (unavailableListingCount <= 0) {
return (false, bytes("No listings to unlist"));
if (tx.gasprice > 80 gwei) {
return (false, bytes("Gas price is greater than 80 gwei"));
Also, notice that we included a gas limit. Since what we are automating is not necessarily time-sensitive, we can add in that check so we don't incur higher costs. In our example, we will be running the checker with every block. If you want the task to only check at a certain cadence, you can add a lastExecuted
like in the docs.
The last piece is actually constructing the list of unavailable listings and executing the automated task:
Listing[] memory unavailableListings = new Listing[](unavailableListingCount);
uint256 unavailableListingsCount = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < totalListingCount; i++) {
if (allListings[i].endDateUNIX > block.timestamp) {
unavailableListings[unavailableListingsCount] = allListings[i];
execPayload = abi.encodeWithSelector(
return (true, execPayload);
To briefly explain abi.encodeWithSelector
, the function selector is the first four bytes of Keccak-256 (SHA-3) hash of the function signature, which indicates the function to be called. This allows our automated task to be called with the appropriate parameters. So, we just end with returning (true, execPayload)
to indicate what the task is and that it should be executed.
Update unlistNFT
Currently, unlistNFT
can only be called by the owner of NFT or the marketplace contract address. Now that gelato is automating that task, we need to whitelist its address as well. You can see the list of contract addresses here. We'll be deploying on Goerli, so the address we will whitelist is 0xc1C6805B857Bef1f412519C4A842522431aFed39
. If you followed along in Web3 Unleashed episode 3, you might remember learning about proxy contracts. In this case, the Gelato Ops contract is a proxy contract, so its address is constant despite its implementation contract potentially changing.
Anyways, add the constant to the Marketplace.sol
list of variables at the top address private constant GELATO_OPS_GOERLI = address(0xc1C6805B857Bef1f412519C4A842522431aFed39);
Then modify the require
conditions to include the Ops contract address:
require(listing.owner == msg.sender || _marketOwner == msg.sender || GELATO_OPS_GOERLI == msg.sender,
"Not approved to unlist NFT");
Your final function should look like this:
function unlistNFT(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId)
Listing storage listing = _listingMap[nftContract][tokenId];
require(listing.owner != address(0), "This NFT is not listed");
require(listing.owner == msg.sender || _marketOwner == msg.sender || GELATO_OPS_GOERLI == msg.sender,
"Not approved to unlist NFT");
// fee to be returned to user if unlisted before rental period is up
// nothing to refund if no renter
uint256 refund = 0;
if (listing.user != address(0)) {
refund = ((listing.expires - block.timestamp) / 60 / 60 / 24 + 1) * listing.pricePerDay;
require(msg.value >= refund, "Not enough ether to cover refund");
// clean up data
IERC4907(nftContract).setUser(tokenId, address(0), 0);
EnumerableSet.remove(_nftContractTokensMap[nftContract], tokenId);
delete _listingMap[nftContract][tokenId];
if (EnumerableSet.length(_nftContractTokensMap[nftContract]) == 0) {
EnumerableSet.remove(_nftContracts, nftContract);
emit NFTUnlisted(
Deploy the RentablePets contract to Goerli¶
Let's deploy the contract to Goerli. Then, let's deploy it to the Goerli testnet using Truffle dashboard! To do so, let's add our Infura Goerli endpoint to our MetaMask wallet. First get your Infura endpoint from your Infura dashboard, and then navigate to Add Networks in MetaMask.
Make sure your MetaMask wallet is connected to goerlidev
and run:
truffle dashboard
truffle migrate --network dashboard
This should bring up Truffle dashboard on localhost:24012 and prompt you to sign the deployment.
Add the task to Gelato Ops¶
Gelato has a super easy to use UI to automate your tasks. Navigate to the app and hit create task! It's pretty simple
First, add your Marketplace
contract address - because we didn't verify the contract, we'll have to manually add in the abi
. To get this, go to Marketplace.json
file in your contracts_build_directory
. Alternatively, if you have the VS Code extension, you can directly access it there.
Open it up, and copy in the ABI into the Gelato app and choose removeUnavailableListings
as the function of choice to automate.
Next, since we are using a resolver, choose Resolver
and paste in the contract address and ABI, and then select checker
as your resolver function. Note that Gelato will prompt you for a proxy contract. Since this is simple example, we don't need to check that off.
Lastly, we have two options to pay. Go ahead and choose Gelato balance, name your task Remove Unavailable Listings
, and create the task!
Test the Task¶
Let's go ahead and test the task. If we wait a bit without listing any NFTs, you'll notice that the resolver properly returns false
and logs the appropriate message.
To test this out, let's mint and list an NFT. Go to the run.js
script and comment out the rent
and unlist
function call so when we call the script, we only list it. Additionally, we'll want to edit the end date for listing so that we can quickly cause a task execution.
const RentableNft = artifacts.require("RentableNft");
const Marketplace = artifacts.require("Marketplace");
const TODAY = Math.floor(Date.now()/1000) + (60*60);
const TOMORROW = TODAY + (24*60*60);
const TOKEN_ID = 1;
const PRICE = 1;
const START = TODAY;
const END = TODAY + 500;
const ERC721_ABI = [
"inputs": [{"internalType": "address", "name": "to", "type": "address"}, {
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "tokenId",
"type": "uint256"
}], "name": "approve", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function"
"inputs": [{"internalType": "uint256", "name": "tokenId", "type": "uint256"}],
"name": "ownerOf",
"outputs": [{"internalType": "address", "name": "owner", "type": "address"}],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "tokenId",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "userExpires",
"outputs": [
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "",
"type": "uint256"
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"constant": true
const main = async (cb) => {
try {
const nft = await RentableNft.deployed();
const NFT_CONTRACT = nft.address;
let txn = await nft.mint("test");
const marketplace = await Marketplace.deployed();
const listingFee = (await marketplace.getListingFee()).toString();
const nftContract = new web3.eth.Contract(ERC721_ABI, NFT_CONTRACT);
const owner = await nftContract.methods.ownerOf(TOKEN_ID).call();
txn = await nftContract.methods.approve(marketplace.address, TOKEN_ID).send({from: owner});
txn = await marketplace.listNFT(
NFT_CONTRACT, TOKEN_ID, PRICE, START, END, {from: owner, value: listingFee});
let value = ((EXPIRES - TODAY)/60/60/24 + 1) * PRICE;
let user = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
// txn = await marketplace.rentNFT(NFT_CONTRACT, TOKEN_ID, EXPIRES, {from: user, value: value});
// console.log(txn);
// value = (Math.floor((EXPIRES - Date.now()/1000)/60/60/24 + 1)) * PRICE;
// let options = value < 0 ? {from: owner} : {from: owner, value: value};
// txn = await marketplace.unlistNFT(NFT_CONTRACT, TOKEN_ID, options);
// console.log(txn);
} catch(err) {
module.exports = main;``
Start the console by calling truffle console --dashboard
and then call run.js
using exec run.js
. You'll need to sign 3 transactions: mint, approve, and list. If you don't want to do this manually through dashboard, you can opt to specify a goerli
network in the truffle-config
like this.
You can quickly verify the NFT has been listed provided Gelato hasn't already executed your task as follows:
truffle(dashboard)> let mp = await Marketplace.deployed()
truffle(dashboard)> mp.getAllListings()
owner: '0xA31618621805C9215B5Ade58EB09dBA8f32Bbdb8',
user: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
nftContract: '0xaa902bEc2FEa12bc2AD4F94D58CF7dF424e18f0d',
tokenId: '1',
pricePerDay: '1',
startDateUNIX: '1663244950',
endDateUNIX: '1663245450',
expires: '0'
Now, we expect the resolver to pass true and execute the task. You can see it in the logs in your Gelato app:
And reverify that the listing is unlisted by calling mp.getAllListings()
truffle(dashboard)> mp.getAllListings()
Future Extensions¶
So, that's it! We've written a resolver and automated a task!
For a more a detailed walkthrough of the code, be sure to watch the livestream on YouTube. Next episode we'll be covering decentralized streaming with Livepeer.
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