Web3 Unleashed: How to Add Notifications to Your Dapp¶
Written by Emily Lin
Last updated 1/05/2023
Our full-stack NFT rental marketplace is done! We created a rentable NFT, wrote a rental marketplace smart contract, and built a frontend to tie it all together.
In this guide, we'll be adding some details to improve the user experience: using Push to send decentralized notifications whenever a user's rental has expired. Additionally, we'll be using ganache
forking to test our contracts and interact with the Push contracts locally before deploying to an actual testnet or mainnet.
Watch the livestream on YouTube for a more in-depth walkthrough and to hear from core dev, Fabio, about how Push is changing up Web3 communication!
The completed code lives here.
NOTE: We are only interacting with the smart contracts, so you can ignore the client
Download System Requirements¶
You'll need to install:
- Node.js, v14 or higher
- truffle
- ganache CLI
Create an Infura account and project¶
To connect your DApp to Ethereum mainnet and testnets, you'll need an Infura account. Sign up for an account here.
Once you're signed in, create a project! Let's call it rentable-nft-marketplace
, and select Web3 API from the dropdown.
Register for a MetaMask wallet¶
To interact with your DApp in the browser, you'll need a MetaMask wallet. You can download it and create one here.
Download VS Code¶
Feel free to use whatever IDE you want, but we highly recommend using VS Code! You can run through most of this tutorial using the Truffle extension to create, build, and deploy your smart contracts, all without using the CLI! You can read more about it here.
Get Some Test Eth¶
In order to deploy to the public testnets, you'll need some test Eth to cover your gas fees! Paradigm has a great MultiFaucet that deposits funds across 8 different networks all at once.
Set Up Your Project¶
We'll be starting with the marketplace contracts we wrote in episode 4. Go ahead and clone the main project here.
Since we're only interacting with the smart contracts in this tutorial, we'll just go to the truffle
folder and install our dependencies.
cd unleashed_nft_rental_marketplace/truffle
npm i
Create a Channel in Push¶
In order to send notifications, we need to create a channel for users to subscribe to. To create a channel, see the Push docs here. In this guide, we are only building on Ethereum, so ignore any instructions for multi-chain channels. Additionally, we are deploying on Goerli and NOT multi-chain, so make sure you're creating your channel through the staging dapp - NOT the prod dapp. Do note that you'll need 50 Goerli PUSH in order to deploy your channel! Their staging dapp has a link that will send some to your wallet.
Note that the address of your channel is the account address you deployed with. Additionally, you can only have one channel per address.
Create IPUSHCommInterface.sol
In order to send notifications from our marketplace smart contract, we need to interact with Push's deployed contracts. First, we'll create a IPUSHCommInterface
interface contract to be able to call those methods.
truffle create contract IPUSHCommInterface
Then, copy and paste in this code:
// PUSH Comm Contract Interface
interface IPUSHCommInterface {
function sendNotification(address _channel, address _recipient, bytes calldata _identity) external;
Call sendNotification
Now that we have the interface contract, we can go ahead and call sendNotification
on Push's deployed contract to alert our users that their rental was unlisted.
We want to notify the user which NFT was unlisted in the notification message, which is of type string. However, it's not straightforward to convert the address
type into a string
type. Luckily, OpenZeppelin provides the Strings
library to help with these types of conversions. Import it at the top of the Marketplace
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
Then, to construct the notification message, add the following code before we clean up the Marketplace data in unlistNFT
string memory body = string.concat("Your NFT rental from ", Strings.toHexString(nftContract), " with tokenId ", Strings.toString(tokenId), " has expired.");
if (msg.sender == listing.owner) {
string.concat(body, " Your rental NFT was unlisted by the owner, so you have been refunded ", Strings.toString(refund), " ETH.");
Afterwards, call sendNotification
address(YOUR_CHANNEL_ADDRESS), // from channel - recommended to set channel via dApp and put it's value -> then once contract is deployed, go back and add the contract address as delegate for your channel
listing.user, // to recipient, put address(this) in case you want Broadcast or Subset. For Targetted put the address to which you want to send
// We are passing identity here: https://docs.epns.io/developers/developer-guides/sending-notifications/advanced/notification-payload-types/identity/payload-identity-implementations
"0", // this is notification identity: https://docs.epns.io/developers/developer-guides/sending-notifications/advanced/notification-payload-types/identity/payload-identity-implementations
"+", // segregator
"3", // this is payload type: https://docs.epns.io/developers/developer-guides/sending-notifications/advanced/notification-payload-types/payload (1, 3 or 4) = (Broadcast, targetted or subset)
"+", // segregator
"Your NFT rental has expired", // this is notification title
"+", // segregator
body // notification body
Note that 0xb3971BCef2D791bc4027BbfedFb47319A4AAaaAa
is the address for the Push contract deployed on Goerli. If you're not deploying on Goerli, you can find the appropriate smart contract address for your desired chain here. You'll be using the address listed under EPNS CommV1
The final unlistNFT
function looks like this:
// function to unlist your rental, refunding the user for any lost time
function unlistNFT(address nftContract, uint256 tokenId) public payable nonReentrant {
Listing storage listing = _listingMap[nftContract][tokenId];
require(listing.owner != address(0), "This NFT is not listed");
require(listing.owner == msg.sender || _marketOwner == msg.sender , "Not approved to unlist NFT");
// fee to be returned to user if unlisted before rental period is up
// nothing to refund if no renter
uint256 refund = 0;
if (listing.user != address(0)) {
refund = ((listing.expires - block.timestamp) / 60 / 60 / 24 + 1) * listing.pricePerDay;
require(msg.value >= refund, "Not enough ether to cover refund");
string memory body = string.concat("Your NFT rental from ", Strings.toHexString(nftContract), " with tokenId ", Strings.toString(tokenId), " has expired.");
if (msg.sender == listing.owner) {
string.concat(body, " Your rental NFT was unlisted by the owner, so you have been refunded ", Strings.toString(refund), " ETH.");
address(0xA31618621805C9215B5Ade58EB09dBA8f32Bbdb8), // from channel - recommended to set channel via dApp and put it's value -> then once contract is deployed, go back and add the contract address as delegate for your channel
listing.user, // to recipient, put address(this) in case you want Broadcast or Subset. For Targetted put the address to which you want to send
// We are passing identity here: https://docs.epns.io/developers/developer-guides/sending-notifications/advanced/notification-payload-types/identity/payload-identity-implementations
"0", // this is notification identity: https://docs.epns.io/developers/developer-guides/sending-notifications/advanced/notification-payload-types/identity/payload-identity-implementations
"+", // segregator
"3", // this is payload type: https://docs.epns.io/developers/developer-guides/sending-notifications/advanced/notification-payload-types/payload (1, 3 or 4) = (Broadcast, targetted or subset)
"+", // segregator
"Your NFT rental has expired", // this is notification title
"+", // segregator
body // notification body
// clean up data
IERC4907(nftContract).setUser(tokenId, address(0), 0);
EnumerableSet.remove(_nftContractTokensMap[nftContract], tokenId);
delete _listingMap[nftContract][tokenId];
if (EnumerableSet.length(_nftContractTokensMap[nftContract]) == 0) {
EnumerableSet.remove(_nftContracts, nftContract);
emit NFTUnlisted(
Deploy the Marketplace contract and add it as a delegate¶
In order for the contract address to send a notification, it needs to be set as a delegate by Push. To do so, follow the instructions here.
First, we need to deploy the contract onto Goerli. We can do this with Truffle Dashboard. Connect to Goerli with MetaMask after bringing up Dashboard.
truffle dashboard
truffle migrate --network dashboard
Then, add the deployed contract address as delegate through the staging dapp you created your channel in.
Test notifications locally¶
Because our Marketplace
contract now interacts with the Push contract on Goerli, we have to run our tests against a forked version of Ganache. We can do so without any configuration, due to Infura's free archive node access. Spin it up in a different terminal:
ganache --fork goerli
Then, in our tests, we need to reference the specific contract addresses we just deployed on Goerli. You can do so by replacing Marketplace.deployed()
and RentableNft.deployed()
with the following:
marketplace = await Marketplace.at("MARKETPLACE_GOERLI_ADDRESS");
rentableNft = await RentableNft.at("NFT_GOERLI_ADDRESS");
Additionally, you'll need to replace MARKETPLACE_OWNER
with the actual address you deployed your contracts with.
Your final test code should look like this:
provider: web3.currentProvider,
singletons: {
abstraction: "truffle",
const { balance, constants, ether, expectRevert, expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const Marketplace = artifacts.require("Marketplace");
const RentableNft = artifacts.require("RentableNft");
const TODAY = Math.floor(Date.now()/1000);
const TODAY_2 = TODAY + (60*60);
const YESTERDAY = TODAY - (24*60*60);
const TOMORROW = TODAY + (24*60*60);
const IN_FIVE_DAYS = TODAY + (24*60*60*5);
function assertListing(actual, expected) {
assert.equal(actual.owner, expected.owner, "Owner is not correct");
assert.equal(actual.user, expected.user, "User is not correct");
assert.equal(actual.nftContract, expected.nftContract, "NFT contract is not correct");
assert.equal(actual.tokenId, expected.tokenId, "TokenId is not correct");
assert.equal(actual.pricePerDay, expected.pricePerDay, "Price per day is not correct");
assert.equal(actual.startDateUNIX, expected.startDateUNIX, "Start date is not correct");
assert.equal(actual.endDateUNIX, expected.endDateUNIX, "End date is not correct");
assert.equal(actual.expires, expected.expires, "Expires date is not correct");
async function assertNFT(nftContractInstance, tokenId, expectedUser, expectedExpires) {
let user = await nftContractInstance.userOf.call(tokenId);
let expires = await nftContractInstance.userExpires.call(tokenId);
assert.equal(user, expectedUser, "User is not correct");
assert.equal(expires, expectedExpires, "Expires date is incorrect");
// EnumerableSet makes no guarantee about ordering, so we have to find the matching tokenId
function getListing(listings, tokenId) {
let listing = {};
listings.every((_listing) => {
if (_listing.tokenId == tokenId) {
listing = _listing;
return false;
} else {
return true;
return listing
function listingToString(listing) {
let listingCopy = {...listing};
listingCopy.tokenId = listing.tokenId.toString();
listingCopy.pricePerDay = listing.pricePerDay.toString();
listingCopy.startDateUNIX = listing.startDateUNIX.toString();
listingCopy.endDateUNIX = listing.endDateUNIX.toString();
listingCopy.expires = listing.expires.toString();
if ("rentalFee" in listing) {
listingCopy.rentalFee = listing.rentalFee.toString();
contract("Marketplace", function (accounts) {
const TOKEN_OWNER = accounts[1];
const USER = accounts[2];
let marketplace;
let rentableNft;
let nftContract;
let listingFee;
let tokenID1;
let tokenID2;
let tokenID3;
before('should reuse variables', async () => {
marketplace = await Marketplace.at("MARKETPLACE_GOERLI_ADDRESS");
rentableNft = await RentableNft.at("NFT_GOERLI_ADDRESS");
nftContract = rentableNft.address;
listingFee = (await marketplace.getListingFee()).toString();
// mint nfts for testing
tokenID1 = (await rentableNft.mint("fakeURI", {from: TOKEN_OWNER})).logs[0].args.tokenId.toNumber();
tokenID2 = (await rentableNft.mint("fakeURI", {from: TOKEN_OWNER})).logs[0].args.tokenId.toNumber();
tokenID3 = (await rentableNft.mint("fakeURI", {from: TOKEN_OWNER})).logs[0].args.tokenId.toNumber();
it("should list nfts", async function () {
let tracker = await balance.tracker(MARKETPLACE_OWNER);
await tracker.get();
let txn = await marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, ether("1"), TOMORROW, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: listingFee});
assert.equal(await tracker.delta(), listingFee, "Listing fee not transferred");
let expectedListing = {
user: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS,
nftContract: nftContract,
tokenId: tokenID1,
pricePerDay: ether("1"),
expires: 0
assertListing(getListing(await marketplace.getAllListings.call(), tokenID1), expectedListing);
expectEvent(txn, "NFTListed", listingToString(expectedListing));
await tracker.get();
txn = await marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID2, ether(".5"), TOMORROW, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: listingFee});
assert.equal(await tracker.delta(), listingFee, "Listing fee not transferred");
expectedListing.tokenId = tokenID2;
expectedListing.pricePerDay = ether(".5");
expectedListing.startDateUNIX = TOMORROW;
expectedListing.endDateUNIX = IN_FIVE_DAYS;
expectedListing.expires = 0;
assertListing(getListing(await marketplace.getAllListings.call(), tokenID2), expectedListing);
expectEvent(txn, "NFTListed", listingToString(expectedListing));
it("should validate listings", async function () {
await expectRevert(
marketplace.listNFT(marketplace.address, tokenID1, 1, TOMORROW, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: listingFee}),
"Contract is not an ERC4907"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, 1, TOMORROW, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: accounts[2], value: listingFee}),
"Not owner of nft"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, 1, TOMORROW, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: TOKEN_OWNER}),
"Not enough ether for listing fee"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, 0, TOMORROW, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: listingFee}),
"Rental price should be greater than 0"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, 1, YESTERDAY, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: listingFee}),
"Start date cannot be in the past"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, 1, IN_FIVE_DAYS, YESTERDAY, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: listingFee}),
"End date cannot be before the start date"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, 1, TOMORROW, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: listingFee}),
"This NFT has already been listed"
it("should modify listings and nft contract when nft is rented", async function () {
assertNFT(rentableNft, tokenID1, constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, 0);
assertNFT(rentableNft, tokenID2, constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, 0);
let tracker = await balance.tracker(TOKEN_OWNER);
await tracker.get();
let txn = await marketplace.rentNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, TODAY_2, {from: USER, value: ether("1")});
// 1 day rental, pricePerDay is 1
assert.equal((await tracker.delta()).toString(), ether("1").toString(), "One day rental fee is not correct");
let listing = getListing(await marketplace.getAllListings.call(), tokenID1);
let expectedListing = {
user: USER,
nftContract: nftContract,
tokenId: tokenID1,
pricePerDay: ether("1"),
expires: TODAY_2,
rentalFee: 1
assertListing(listing, expectedListing);
assertNFT(rentableNft, tokenID1, USER, TODAY_2);
expectEvent(txn, "NFTRented", listingToString(expectedListing));
await tracker.get();
txn = await marketplace.rentNFT(nftContract, tokenID2, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: USER, value: ether("2.5")});
assert.equal((await tracker.delta()).toString(), ether("2.5").toString(), "Five day rental fee is not correct");
listing = getListing(await marketplace.getAllListings.call(), tokenID2);
expectedListing.tokenId = tokenID2;
expectedListing.pricePerDay = ether(".5");
expectedListing.expires = IN_FIVE_DAYS;
expectedListing.rentalFee = ether("2.5");
assertListing(listing, expectedListing);
assertNFT(rentableNft, tokenID2, USER, IN_FIVE_DAYS);
expectEvent(txn, "NFTRented", listingToString(expectedListing));
it("should validate rentals", async function () {
await expectRevert(
marketplace.rentNFT(nftContract, tokenID1, TODAY_2, {from: USER, value: ether("1")}),
"NFT already rented"
await marketplace.listNFT(nftContract, tokenID3, ether("1"), TOMORROW, IN_FIVE_DAYS, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: listingFee});
await expectRevert(
marketplace.rentNFT(nftContract, tokenID3, IN_FIVE_DAYS + 1000, {from: USER, value: ether("2.5")}),
"Rental period exceeds max date rentable"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.rentNFT(nftContract, tokenID3, TOMORROW, {from: USER}),
"Not enough ether to cover rental period"
it("should validate unlisting", async function () {
await expectRevert(
marketplace.unlistNFT(nftContract, 10000, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: ether("2.5")}),
"This NFT is not listed"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.unlistNFT(nftContract, tokenID2, {from: USER, value: ether("2.5")}),
"Not approved to unlist NFT"
await expectRevert(
marketplace.unlistNFT(nftContract, tokenID2, {from: TOKEN_OWNER}),
"Not enough ether to cover refund"
it("should refund USER and cleanup listings if unlisted", async function () {
let tracker = await balance.tracker(USER);
await tracker.get();
let txn = await marketplace.unlistNFT(nftContract, tokenID2, {from: TOKEN_OWNER, value: ether("2.5")});
assert.equal((await tracker.delta()).toString(), ether("2.5"), "Refunded amount is not correct");
let listing = getListing(await marketplace.getAllListings.call(), tokenID2);
assert.equal(Object.keys(listing).length, 0, "NFT was not unlisted");
assertNFT(rentableNft, tokenID2, constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, 0);
expectEvent(txn, "NFTUnlisted", {
unlistSender: TOKEN_OWNER,
nftContract: nftContract,
tokenId: tokenID2.toString(),
refund: ether("2.5")
In order to use our forked ganache, let's specify a network in truffle-config.js
. Add the following under networks:
goerlidev: {
network_id: "*",
port: 8545,
host: ""
Then, you can run your tests as follows:
truffle test --network goerlidev
Try it out for real!¶
Now, if you want to actually try it out on Goerli. You can run the truffle/scripts/run.js
script we wrote before. You'll need to make some modifications so that we use the contracts we just deployed.
Like we did for the tests, replace your NFT and Marketplace contract abstractions with:
RentableNft.at("NFT_GOERLI ADDRESS");
Additionally, change the user
address to whatever address you mint your NFT with. Then, run the scripts as follows:
truffle exec scripts/run.js --network dashboard
You'll be stepping through multiple transactions, which you can see being called in the Dashboard view.
To check that notifications were sent in the unlistNFT
call, you can follow Push's instructions here.
Join our community¶
If you want to talk about this content, join our Discord! If you need help coding, start a discussion here. Lastly, don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates on all things Truffle.