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Represents a contract in a compilation.


  • Contract



abi: Abi

The contract's ABI.

bytecode?: string | Bytecode

The contract's constructor bytecode; may be given either as a string in the old artifacts format, or as a bytecode object in the new compilation format.

compiler?: CompilerVersion

This field is a compatibility hack only intended for internal use. (It allows the compiler to be set on a source if none is set on the compilation as a whole; please don't do that.)

contractName: string

The contract's name.

deployedBytecode?: string | Bytecode

The contract's deployed bytecode; may be given either as a string in the old artifacts format, or as a bytecode object in the new compilation format.

deployedGeneratedSources?: Source[]

The contract's deployed generated sources object as output by Solidity 0.7.2 or later. Note that this will be a sparse array.

deployedSourceMap?: string | VyperSourceMap

The contract's deployed source map.

generatedSources?: Source[]

The contract's generated sources object as output by Solidity 0.7.2 or later. Note that this will be a sparse array.

immutableReferences?: ImmutableReferences

The contract's immutable references object as output by Solidity 0.6.5 or later.

primarySourceId?: string

The ID of the contract's primary source.

settings?: Settings

This field is a compatibility hack only intended for internal use. (It allows the settings to be set on a source if none is set on the compilation as a whole; please don't do that.)

sourceMap?: string | VyperSourceMap

The contract's constructor source map.

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