Hash of this transaction's block as hex string; null if pending.
This transaction's block number; null if pending.
Address of the sender (as checksummed hex string).
Gas provided by the sender, as numeric string.
Gas price for this transaction, as numeric string.
The transaction hash as hex string.
Data sent with the transaction, as hex string.
The maximum fee per gas that the transaction is willing to pay in total.
The maximum fee per gas to give miners to incentivize them to include the transaction (Priority fee).
The nonce of the sender before this transaction was sent.
Address of the recipient (as checksummed hex string), or null for a contract creation.
Index of transaction in block; null if block is pending.
A positive unsigned 8-bit number between 0 and 0x7f that represents the type of the transaction.
Wei sent with this transaction, as numeric string.
Generated using TypeDoc
Contains information about a transaction. Most of the fields have been made optional; only those needed by the decoder have been made mandatory.
Intended to work like Web3's Transaction type.