  • Public
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Contains information about a transaction. Most of the fields have been made optional; only those needed by the decoder have been made mandatory.

Intended to work like Web3's Transaction type.


  • Transaction



blockHash?: string

Hash of this transaction's block as hex string; null if pending.

blockNumber: number

This transaction's block number; null if pending.

from?: string

Address of the sender (as checksummed hex string).

gas?: string

Gas provided by the sender, as numeric string.

gasPrice?: string

Gas price for this transaction, as numeric string.

hash?: string

The transaction hash as hex string.

input: string

Data sent with the transaction, as hex string.

maxFeePerGas?: string

The maximum fee per gas that the transaction is willing to pay in total.

maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string

The maximum fee per gas to give miners to incentivize them to include the transaction (Priority fee).

nonce?: number

The nonce of the sender before this transaction was sent.

to: string

Address of the recipient (as checksummed hex string), or null for a contract creation.

transactionIndex?: number

Index of transaction in block; null if block is pending.

type?: number

A positive unsigned 8-bit number between 0 and 0x7f that represents the type of the transaction.

value?: string

Wei sent with this transaction, as numeric string.

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